How to Upload Graphics to Osu Skinner

Ane of the most important things in a skin is the skin.ini

It'south what that decides your combo colours, sliderborder colours, slider colours, etc etc

peel.ini is edited with notepad. If y'all don't take a skin.ini in the place just open up upward a new file in notepad and start with new code only relieve equally all files, proper noun it skin.ini

all the commands and code are in here tbh

Though the page didn't explain how the get your own custom RGB values.

As the page said, RGB is in Carmine, Green, Bluish format. The values goes from 0 (none at all) to 255. Imagine the code for a colour as 100,100,100, this ways equal values of R,Grand,B together. Think of it as mixing pigment colours. The bigger the value, the brighter the colour. 255,0,255 will requite you a very bright and dark purple. 0,0,0 (no value for colours at all) will give you black. And 255,255,255 volition give you white.

Mostly, these values are only RGB decimal numbers, and if you'd desire custom colours without guessing, the best place is here. And if y'all have Photoshop (pain.Net or gimp etc). But selection a color for your brush and the info volition be displayed at that place.

Like here:

colour picking.PNG



You probably wouldn't want to bear on that really. Especially if yous utilize blithe followpoints (the line ones that are swell and hot right now to utilise). Best if y'all don't add that code in at all for it to be at information technology's default. Unless you lot remake the followpoints to work with the faster/slower animation speed. Once a long time agone I tried speeding up the animation rate to brand my peel look prissy, it did, but my followpoints ended upwardly looking like a blinking and glowing mess. You tin give it a go if y'all desire to come across how it'd look!

If you lot're not sure almost what I mean by the animated line followpoints I'm referring to these:



As you lot know, this determines the default number overlap. Which means, permit's say I have 10px of empty space on the sides of my numbers. When combo reaches two digits, as we all know, two digits will appear on the hitcircle. Only, in that location will be 20px of infinite between the numbers, using a higher value (e.g. HitCircleOverlap: 20) will bring them closer together.

There's a special case for this. And this is when you lot employ your default numbers are your hitcircles

What? Whaaaaaat? Merely yep, you tin have the default numbers as your hitcircles. Skinners brand these kinds of hitcircles when they want their hitcircles to disappear instantly when clicked (remember, hitcircle and hitcircle overlay expands but the numbers disappear instantly).

Only with the numbers appearing side by side when combo is over 9, skinners fix this by setting the HitCircleOverlap to 256 (size of hitcircle file). So if you're copying over default number hitcircles to another skin folder with a different skin.ini, remember to change the overlap value or you'd seeinteresting results. Aforementioned vice versa! It'due south not as distracting as the sometime just seeing a 1 over a 0 or a 01 instead of a 10 is pretty distracting.


Disclaimer: However currently work-in-progress! If the words in the directory isn't a highlighted link it ways it isn't fabricated yet!


  1. Introduction and the very basics of skins and image editing (this postal service)
  2. skin.ini
  3. Hitcircles, hitcircleoverlays and default numbers
  4. Animated elements
  5. Sliderb, sliderfollowcircles and contrary arrows
  6. Cursors
  7. Scorebars and score numbers
  8. Spinners
  9. Ranking panels, ranking graphs, ranking messages
  10. Bill of fare backgrounds, pause overlay, fail backgrounds,
  11. Menu dorsum, choice menus, modernistic icons
  12. Everything else


Alright and then you want to make a skin but you don't know how to? Don't accept any image editing feel? Well, you've come to the correct identify! This guide is work in progress and I'll regularly update it till it's finished.

Note: I will be using Adobe Photoshop and this guide is strictly for osu!standard skins but.

Other paradigm editing software such every bit GIMP, Pigment.NET etc are usable as well, just due to their different UIs or capabilities you will have to apply them differently. As long as your paradigm software supports transparency, you can skin (on a side note I used to make skins on my android phone and they looked pretty fine)

This is the homepage for my skinning guide so at that place isn't much depth in skinning annihilation but how skins piece of work in general. I'll add more than things later.

1. Creating a new pare folder in osu!

If you don't know yet, you can load skins into osu! past putting skins in the pare folder inside the osu! root folder. If you don't know where your osu! chief binder is (yeah this happens to me sometimes), open osu!>go to the skin section>open up peel folder

It will open upwardly your explorer and bring you directly into the peel folder.


ii. How do skins work?

Skin elements are to be within the pare binder in the pare directory (eastward.chiliad. osu!/Skins/YourSkin). If information technology's outside the folder and within the Skins folder directly, it will not appear or evidence upward.

Skins are made upward of 3 things: the skin images, hitsound files and the skin.ini

skin images:very obvious, it's the images osu! is going to use for your pare

hitsound files:some other obvious one, it'due south the sounds osu! is going to use as the hitsounds

skin.ini:it'south basically a settings file for skins. You open the .ini file in notepad and edit the info in information technology, explained more in depth here.

With all these parts together, you go your peel! Unfortunately skins have sure limitations which I'll talk about and explain afterwards.

3. Compiling skins or loading them into osu!

The default skin extension for osu! is.osk. But open up osu!>get to the skin department>export as .osk

Downloading skins in .osk format is even easier. Download the skin and open up the .osk, osu! will open and load the skin automatically.

However in the older times, .osk didn't exist. Very old skins will exist in .zip or .rar format. Go a .goose egg or .rar extracter (e.chiliad. WinRar) to excerpt the skin into the osu! skin folder directory, then restart osu!

(Side annotation discovery: If you don't want to load .osk into osu! you can really rename the .osk extention into .nil and unzip normally to retrieve the contents.)

four. Uploading osu! skins onto the internet

Uncomplicated compile your skin (into .osk or .nothing or any compression you'd similar, .osk is recommended) and upload them onto file download services. Like puush, Mediafire, Mega etc.

5. Permit's get started!

To be get started, we'll demand a default skin template. Download here.

Okay, one important thing to know about the images for osu! skins is thatthey must be the correct size and resolution. Not all skin elements follow this. However this is EXTREMELY crucial for certain elements that don't, like the hit circumvolve, sliderfollowcircle, etc.

Another important thing:All pictures are to be in .png format

Why? Because .png supports transparency (aka a function of the image is completely blank – non white, but where anything behind the image can be seen, 'bare'). .jpeg files cannot. osu! will non read your files if you do put them in .jpeg.

If y'all haven't tried mixing upwards skins yourself, osu! skinning works by the game grabbing images and using said images as the gameplay elements. Simply for the game to recognise these images. They must 1. Be in a skin folder in osu!/Skins/ and 2. be named correctly.

You lot'll meet all the names for the dissimilar elements in the template. Only an example for those who oasis't downloaded it yet, hitcircle.png is the circumvolve file. Elements with @2x behind the names

Elements with @2x behind the names ways that it'southward a Hard disk file. These images will be used when osu!'southward resolution is at 1920×1080 and above. These @2x files have 2x the resolution of normal files (normal hitcircle.png is 128×128, hitcircle@2x.png is 256×256). It'southward highly recommended that you work with making the HD version of the skin first, and then easily downsize it later for the non-HD version. There isn't a 100% need for HD skins, osu! will upsize (but your images volition exist noticeably blurry) your standard non-HD images at loftier resolutions.

6. Making the elements…

I'll slowly make tutorials on unlike elements and post them in different posts. I'll link them back hither.


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