Two New Fall Liners From NARS, and Getting Sidetracked by a Broken Heart - Makeup and Beauty Blog

shauna puppy love
Rest in peace, my sweet, sweet pup

This was supposed to exist a post about the two new NARS Larger Than Life Long-Wear Eyeliners in Las Ramblas and Via De' Martelli, and it still is…kind of.

What began as a regular review took a precipitous detour before apex.

I planned to mention that reddish brown Via De Martelli pulls reddish on my warm skin tone and makes me await like I've been crying… I thought it deserved a respectable B.

And then I planned to talk nigh how yellowish gold Las Ramblas, a solid B+ in my book, reflects light similar the surface of a glassy pond, making it perfect for brightening upwards the eyes.

Both it and Martelli last most eight hours on my lash lines and 4 on my water lines, and neither one seems very good at smudging. Both cost $24 and make it on counters, in stores and online with the residue of the NARS Autumn 2013 drove July 15.

NARS Via De Martelli Larger Than Life Long-Wear Eyeliner, a chocolate ($24)
Via De Martelli Larger Than Life Long-Wear Eyeliner, a chocolate ($24)

NARS Las Ramblas Larger Than Life Long-Wear Eyeliner, a yellow gold ($24, limited edition)
Las Ramblas Larger Than Life Long-Clothing Eyeliner, a yellow gold ($24, limited edition)

NARS Fall 2013 Swatches from the left: Kamchatka Eyeshadow, Namibia Eyeshadow, Yamal Eyeshadow, Bavaria Eyeshadow, Las Ramblas Larger Than life Long-Wear Eyeliner, Via De'Martelli Larger Than Life Long-Wear Eyeliner
From the left: Kamchatka Eyeshadow, Namibia Eyeshadow, Yamal Eyeshadow, Bavaria Eyeshadow, Las Ramblas Larger Than life Long-Wear Eyeliner, Via De'Martelli Larger Than Life Long-Vesture Eyeliner

But and then I got a phone phone call from El Hub only before apex.

He very calmly told me to sit down, and told me to brace myself, because he had bad news…

He told me that my parents' dog, Shauna, had passed away, and at present I merely can't terminate crying.

I know that to some people it seems giddy to cry then much over a canis familiaris, but Shauna was a part of our family. She was with us for 14 years, a good dog who always guarded the firm and kept us company. My eye is cleaved.

Shauna was a pound puppy who came to live with us in 1999. My dad, who's always had a soft spot for strays, brought her habitation unexpectedly 1 mean solar day after meeting her at a Petco pet adoption fair.

I'd just graduated from college at the time and was living with my parents while looking for work.

I'll never forget the first fourth dimension I met her… She came bounding through the front thousand, 4 fat paws attached to a big ball of chunky puppy cuteness! Her tail never stopped wagging, and she had the goofiest grin on her face. From that day frontward, we were thick as thieves. It was beloved.

Every morning while I lived at home, she greeted me with sloppy kisses and a smile. We'd go for walks starting time thing each day, and she never needed a leash. She knew how to heel and end instinctively.

When I left my parents' house and moved to SF, I wanted to take her with me, but information technology was the dot-com boom days in the Bay Area, and I couldn't find an apartment that would take pets, so Shauna stayed behind with my mom and dad.

Eventually, later on my younger blood brother moved out of the house, Shauna became the infant of the family. Whenever my mom or dad would call, they'd give me a report on how Shauna was doing, whether she had buried any treats in the yard, captured any vermin or learned any new tricks. They called her "my niggling sister."

My parents. They're so deplorable right now. When I talked to my mom on the phone earlier she started bawling, and babe, my mom NEVER cries. That adult female is tough as nails. She told me that she tin can't bear to clean out Shauna's dog firm or put abroad her toys, and now I just keep randomly bursting into tears…

Shauna was a sweetness, gentle, happy canis familiaris, and she was dear by our family. She had 14 adept years with us, and I'm thankful for that.

I knew she was getting older, and I tried to brace myself for this day, merely information technology didn't work. I'm heartbroken.

Goodbye, my sweetness Shauna. Skilful girl.

Your friendly neighborhood beauty aficionado,



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